Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Beautiful - in black and white

I am a sucker for a well taken black and white photo....and here are a selection Sharon took of our pack in Bizashland.........
Chill Winston
You called..

My Ball


Rough and Tumble

I'm the real Fella
What the hell is that???

Is this my best side?
I'm Cody....love me...

Visit to Eastleigh

Last week, Sharon went to visit Debbie and Lindsay in Eastleigh..not to mention Jaffa and Honey.  The pups are the spitting image of Ash and Biz when they were younger.

They had a great time and it was good for Shy to take loads of photos.....a selection below:

They are turning out to be beautiful pups and it is great to see them grow up with smiles on their faces.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Leo on Youtube

Had an email from Patrick and Haruka, looks like Leo is having a Great time.......

 "Hello Rob, Leo is growing up very fast! He has had lots of new experiences. We took him to a small river so he can get used to the water. Unfortunately he didn't like the water very much, but he is still a young pup. If we take him once a week or so he will hopefully enjoy swimming when he is grown up.

He has made two new big friends who are GREAT DANES :) When he first met them he was a bit afraid and the Danes weren't quite sure what to make of him, but they soon got used to each other. Leo started playing with them by jumping all over them, but they just ignored him. In the end whenever he went towards them, they would run away!

 We had to buy him a new bed today as he has grown out of his old one. When we were out we met someone who asked if Leo was a Duck Toller. Haruka was very surprised as nobody else we have met has known his breed. Haruka was even more surprised when she said that she had an eight month old Toller! 

You can see Leo's adventures on his Youtube channel.


 Haruka and Patrick"


Further adventures of Alpha

Had a wonderful email from Sean and Christine telling of the adventures of Alpha.

 "I thought it was about time I sent you an update on little Alpha. He's come on leaps and bounds since I last e-mailed you. He seems to be fully house trained now and has leaned lots of new tricks. He's no longer scared of cars and is really enjoying his walks (he always gets lots of attention everywhere he goes).

We took him for his first walk up in the lakes last week, it was pouring down with rain but alpha loved every second of it! He even went in the lake for a swim chasing some ducks! He's such a happy dog who loves to be around people and other dogs, always wanting to play.

We last had him weighed about 2 weeks ago and he was 8 kgs so he's definitely growing up fast.

Its nice to see his brothers and sisters progressing well in the blogs too, I've attached some updated pics of the little man so you can see him on his adventures"
Great to see the big man having lots of love and loads of fun...can't want for the next instalment.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Debbie and Lindsey have sent us a great picture of Jaffa and Honey and what can only be described as a vegetable.

It's the first time I have seen the pups since they went to Eastleigh, and they look brilliant....with a well rounded diet by the looks of it.
Great pic....can't wait to see more.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

With Fella eventually going to my Father in Law in Herefordshire, he has recently had a 4 day holiday with Sharon and David.....to see whether he will get on seperated from his mum, dad and siblings. To be honest, he had a ball....he went on great walks in the woods, went swimming in the ford, played with my 4 nephews and left a tear in F-in-L's eye when he had to come home. He also met his cousin Finn who is on Ash's side of the family. He slept well and spent his spare time demolishing a pig's ear......good lad. Here are a few photos of his adventures:

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Hi Folks Sorry to say that I have been very remiss with the blog of late; since the pups have mostly all gone and I finally had a bit of time to relax and contemplate things, I decided to have a bit of a break....well, who can blame me? Our 3 pups (Bootz, Cody and Fella) are all having a great time....they are now out of the cage and have slept in the kitchen for the last couple of nights without any mishaps at all...very pleased. Biz had become the greatest dad, he plays with the 3 nearly all day and is ready for bed at about 9(ish)...Ash has lost her milk more or less and has become her mischievousness self again....she prods the pups and runs away.....Chase me, chase me. Walking is hit and miss, they hate road walks, terrified of cars, but get them to the woods and they are possessed. Won't let them off the lead yet for a while; I'm sure they would be fine, but it is deciding when the right moment is. Feeding....wow, locusts....no sooner than the food is down, it is gone. Anyway, this is just a welcome back from me.... I will post a bit more later. lol