Monday, 31 August 2009

Sonic, Bizley & Ash

We met up again last week to go to dog training, I think Sonic enjoyed it, Ash did. When we were finished up in the park, we came back for a cuppa and let Ash and Sonic play in the back garden (Bizley was still training). It was funny watching Ash go behind the kennel and then suddenly dash out and run around the garden like a bullet with Sonic closely behind and then through the fence behind the kennel with Sonic screaming at her once again. We will meet up again for more fun.

Ash & Alix Playing

This is Ash playing with Alix. Alix is under the trampoline but Ash doesn't know who it is!

Ash is growing up fast and is fast, faster than Bizley ever was at her age. She loves her walks and loves taking on the biggest of dogs.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Ash's New Hobby

Well, Ash has found a new hobby, water chasing......

I was watering the plants when she decided to attack the jet....what fun.

Friday, 14 August 2009

New Friends - Sprocket and Sonic

Bizley and Ash made two new friends on Wednesday, Sprocket (Cocker/Springer Spaniel) age 7 and Sonic (Toller) age 8 months. We met in a field in Bury with Rachael and David and their daughter. The evening went well Bizley stamping down on the Sonic when he got a bit frisky with Bizley within the first 5 minutes but then Sonic turned his attention to Ash and stayed by her for the rest of the evening. Sprocket wasn't interested in any of the ginger dogs and did his own thing of hunting rabbits. They played for about two hours before we took them home. As soon as we got through the door Ash and Bizley went straight to their beds!

The next morning at 5.30am we took them for their morning walk but Ash was less than interested. When we got to the field she just sat and would not budge, I called her and after doing what she needed to do she sat down again. So I gave up and drove her home. Bizley stayed out for his long walk, Ash just curled up in Bizley's bed waiting for him to return.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Sleep Time!

Ash is really growing at a great rate, you can see by the photo.

Once again, following a mad hour they cuddle up on their new matresses for a well deserved 40 winks....awww!!!

FAB Time!

Ash seems to be following Bizley in everything....and like the big fella, she has also acquired a taste for a FAB. During the heat of the summer afternoon, this particular lolly didn't last too long.

Thursday, 6 August 2009


Bizley and Ash playing! An evening ritual which lasts for about an hour before they wear themselves out and go to sleep for the night.

Ash worn out after attacking Bizley for an hour!


This morning when I left Ash, she was waiting for Bizley to come back from his long walk with Rob and climbed onto my shooting bag and went to sleep, apparently she was still there when they got back.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

First Week of Walks

Well, first week of walking on the lead has gone well. Ash has a chew of the lead as I put it on and then Bizley leads the way to the park. He has taught her to come back to us and sit when we raise our arm in the air and as you can see they are waiting eagerly for a treat. She now also knows what the word 'walkies' is!

She has now done no mess of any kind in the house for the past 4 days and nights. She settles down in her crate at night without any fuss.

She and the rest of the house were woken a couple of nights ago as Bizley woke the neighborhood up barking at a hedgehog at 2am in the morning....bliss.

Sunday, 2 August 2009


Bet you can't see me now..........
Ash found a wonderful little nook to sleep in... between the sofa and the bean bags in the lounge.....
Very cozy